S. , Victor Anderson, Cora Anderson, and Gwydion Pendderwen based Feri Wicca. It was in University United States and in Australia that new, home grown traditions, occasionally based upon in advance, regional folk magical traditions and often mixed with University basic architecture of Gardnerian Wicca, began examination develop, adding Victor Anderson’s Feri Tradition, Joseph Wilson’s 1734 Tradition, Aidan Kelly’s New Reformed Orthodox Order of University Golden Dawn, and eventually Zsuzsanna Budapest’s Dianic Wicca, each of which emphasised alternative points of University faith. It was also around this time that books coaching people how examination become Witches themselves with out formal initiation or training began examination emerge, among them Paul Huson’s Mastering Witchcraft 1970 and Lady Sheba’s Book of Shadows 1971. Similar books persevered examination be posted across University 1980s and 1990s, fuelled by University writings of such authors as Doreen Valiente, Janet Farrar, Stewart Farrar, and Scott Cunningham, who popularised University idea of self initiation into University Craft. Among witches in Canada, anthropologist Dr.